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Stars Stage which is a 3500 sqft multipurpose space located in Lai Chi KoK with 3 private rooms. It just takes 3-minutes walk from Lai Chi Kok MTR Station Exit C. The venue can accommodate up to 195 p

本店位於太子的中心, 賣點在於我們的田園式裝潢,以手工釘上的鮮艷粉紅花牆及綠油油的尤加利草牆為主,並鋪上青綠的仿真草地,舒服鬆軟的搖搖椅及沙發,及日式簡約小清新桌椅,令客人恍如走進都市裏的神秘花園中。其他不同的田園裝飾例如:英國郵筒、幸運棕鹿擺設,四呎高太陽花等等,都成為年輕新一代的打卡亮點,深受大眾歡迎。希望我們可以為客人帶來放鬆壓力及舒適的體驗。

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Large Studio Area suitable to do all kind of shooting. We welcome all guest who want to just rent the studio, or to hold popup event. -1600sqft -13ft height -400w flash * 2 ( with light stands ) -Whi
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